Maison entière·Hôte particulier

Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée

Galerie photos de l’hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée

Restauration extérieure

Avis voyageurs

10 sur 10


6 chambres7 salles de bain ou plus18 personnes371.6 m²

Équipements populaires

  • Piscine
  • Barbecue
  • Lave-linge
  • Animaux de compagnie acceptés
    Animaux de compagnie acceptés
  • Parking disponible
    Parking disponible
  • Cuisine

Découvrir la zone

Playa Cofresi, Puerto Plata
  • Plage de Cofresi
    4 min à pied
  • Ocean World Adventure Park
    7 min à pied
  • Los Mangos Golf Course
    5 min en voiture
  • Puerto Plata (POP-Aéroport international Gregorio Luperon)
    49 min en voiture

Chambres et lits

6 chambres (18 personnes)

Chambre 1

2 lits 1 place

Chambre 2

1 très grand lit et 1 lit 1 place

Chambre 3

1 grand lit

Chambre 4

1 futon (double), 1 très grand lit et 1 lit bébé

Chambre 5

4 lits 1 place et 1 lit superposé (1 place)

Chambre 6

1 très grand lit

7 salles de bain, 1 WC avec lavabo

Salle de bain 1

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 2

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 3

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 4

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 5

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 6

Baignoire ou douche · Toilettes

Salle de bain 7

Toilettes · Douche uniquement

Salle de bain 8



Terrasse en bois ou patio
Coin salle à manger séparé

À propos de cet hébergement

Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée

Êtes-vous à la recherche de vacances abordables dans les Caraïbes? Des vacances relaxantes en famille dans votre propre maison privée confortable avec une piscine privée, une femme de chambre attentionnée, un service de ménage, des services de chef et de femme de ménage? Peut-être un endroit qui offre la possibilité de se détendre et de se détendre totalement tout en ayant des opportunités d'aventure et d'excitation? Ces vacances de rêve existent et peuvent être trouvées Villa Vista del Mar. Cela deviendra votre maison familiale pour profiter de votre visite.

Cette spacieuse villa de vacances de style familial et adaptée aux enfants dispose de 6 chambres et de 7,5 salles de bains. Les chambres intérieures sont grandes, accueillantes et confortablement meublées pour les clients de tous âges. Les personnes âgées peuvent se détendre dans une chambre principale au premier étage tout en restant proches de l'action. Les jeunes parents trouveront tout l'équipement nécessaire pour bébé et seront ravis de trouver des gardiennes d'enfants / aides-mères à temps plein disponibles à des prix très raisonnables.

De nombreuses terrasses et balcons couverts et semi-couverts permettent aux clients d'être à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur quelle que soit la météo. Une immense terrasse de 3400 pieds carrés à parois latérales assure l'intimité des maisons voisines. Il existe de nombreuses options de sièges, y compris des chaises, des bascules, des tables de conversation, des hamacs et un lit de soleil rembourré toujours populaire. Une barrière de sécurité en métal spécial sépare la piscine et permet une certaine assurance pour les parents des jeunes. Et si cela ne suffit pas, une vaste pelouse autour de la maison a beaucoup d'espace ouvert pour les tournois de croquet, de ladder-ball, de pétanque, de fers à cheval, de tetherball, de frisbee et plus encore. Même les plus grands groupes trouveront de l'espace pour s'étendre.

Une courte promenade de 5 minutes vous amène à la plage de Cofresi, une crique de sable qui s'étend un peu moins d'un mile. Un récif protégeant la plage offre un surf doux, idéal pour la baignade ou le body surf. Il n'y a pas de soucis concernant les marées de rip, le ressac, les forts courants ou les gros poissons. Des palmiers et des raisins de mer bordent la plage offrant beaucoup d'ombre au fort soleil tropical.

Vous aurez peut-être du mal à vous éloigner de flotter dans la piscine en sirotant une pina-colada - qui est rafraîchie trop souvent par la femme de chambre. Et vous passerez du temps seul à faire une sieste ou à lire un livre dans l'un des hamacs. Ou vous pouvez vous détendre, vous détendre sur la terrasse supérieure en écoutant l'océan pendant que la masseuse prend le relais. Il y a tellement de façons de se détendre.

Mais, si vous préférez des vacances plus actives, il y a beaucoup de visites et d'aventures, y compris le golf, les casinos et un parc de karting. Visitez Ocean World où vous pourrez nager avec les dauphins, les requins et les otaries; ou tentez votre chance au Ocean World Casino où vous pourrez dîner dans un restaurant 5 étoiles et regarder des spectacles de style Las Vegas ... le tout à seulement 10 minutes à pied de notre maison de plage. Explorez l'historique Puerto Plata, à 6,4 km. Ou aventurez-vous dans des safaris en jeep, des voyages en catamaran, du rafting, de la plongée sous-marine, de la plongée avec tuba et bien plus encore. Un tour opérateur local Cofresi vient directement à la villa pour décrire toutes les options et fournir des services de réservation.

Goûtez les menus dans des dizaines de restaurants locaux…. Vous pourrez raffiner tout, des spécialités dominicaines telles que le langostino, la conque et le chivo ou les favoris habituels tels que le filet mignon, les plats de poulet et de porc et les hamburgers, tacos et pizzas adaptés aux enfants. Il existe d'innombrables aventures, activités et lieux à découvrir.

Pendant votre séjour à la villa, vous serez choyé par un personnel dévoué à long terme. Mercy est notre femme de chambre à temps plein, joyeuse et attentive, qui cuisinera et servira tous les repas, collations et boissons. N'essayez même pas d'obtenir votre propre café! Elle garde un approvisionnement régulier de boissons et emporte tous les plats sales. Elle garde la villa bien rangée et s'occupe de votre lessive. Tout ce que vous faites, c'est RELAX. Des femmes de chambre supplémentaires sont amenées quand il y a de plus grands groupes pour s'assurer que tous les clients - mamans incluses - profitent de vacances vraiment sans soucis. En fait, de nombreuses femmes pleurent en partant parce qu'elles ne peuvent pas ramener Mercy à la maison.

Julio est notre homme de maison personnel à temps plein, aimable et sympathique qui maintient les jardins, la piscine et la maison en parfait état. Il possède une grande camionnette pour fournir un service de réunion personnel à l'aéroport à nos clients. De plus, il peut être engagé pour approvisionner la cuisine en aliments et boissons afin que les boissons froides glacées et les amuse-gueules savoureux soient prêts à être servis les mamans que vous entrez dans votre maison de vacances. Julio est votre homme de prédilection pour tout et n'importe quoi. Son sourire prêt et sa disposition joyeuse vous mettront à l'aise. Il est connu pour divertir les jeunes enfants en attrapant de petites grenouilles ou en cueillant des mangues et des limes dans les arbres de la cour, démontrant comment ouvrir et boire directement à partir d'une noix de coco. Les tout-petits ont aimé «aider» l'oncle Julio dans ses tâches quotidiennes.

Et «au cas où», nous avons un gestionnaire à temps plein disponible 24 heures par jour pour répondre à vos besoins. Si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, le personnel est là pour vous aider.

Les Dominicains ont une réputation bien méritée de convivialité et d'hospitalité; ils se mettent en quatre pour vous faire sentir les bienvenus dans leur pays. Peu importe si vous ne parlez pas espagnol. De nombreux dominicains parlent et comprennent maintenant une bonne partie de l'anglais, en particulier dans les zones touristiques. Mais vous constaterez également qu'un sourire ou un geste aimable vous ouvrira de nombreuses portes. Depuis plus de 35 ans, nos clients apprécient l'opportunité d'interagir avec les locaux et de découvrir la culture colorée de ce pays.

Si vous avez un cœur aventureux et que vous voulez des vacances légèrement hors des sentiers battus, venez à Villa Vista del Mar. Éloignez-vous des confins bondés d'un complexe tout compris… ressentez la liberté. Soyez prêt à vous détendre pendant que le personnel prend en charge les tâches quotidiennes. Réveillez-vous avec du café fraîchement moulu qui vous est servi sur la terrasse, et la nuit, posez votre tête sur l'oreiller avec un esprit calme et un cœur heureux. Écoutez les sons de l'océan. Profite de l'instant. La vie ne peut pas s'améliorer.

Responsable de l’hébergement

Cindy & John Charters
Hôte Premium

Langues parlées


Protégez vos paiements : réservez toujours sur Abritel.

N’acceptez jamais les demandes suspectes et utilisez toujours les moyens de réservation offerts sur notre site ou notre appli. Si une personne vous demande de réserver ou de payer directement auprès d’elle avant que vous effectuiez votre réservation sur Abritel, veuillez ne pas lui répondre et nous le signaler.

Services et équipements

Animaux de compagnie acceptés

Hébergements similaires

Règlement intérieur

Arrivée après 13 h 00
Âge minimum pour la location : 22 ans
Départ avant 11 h 00


Enfants autorisés : de 0 à 17 ans
Security Gate for pool area


Événements autorisés
With prior approval

Animaux domestiques

Animaux de compagnie autorisés
Non refundable pet fee of $200


Hébergement non-fumeurs
Outside smoking only
Cancellation Policy: 50% to secure a reservation with balance due 30 Days prior to vacation start. Deposits are refunded IF the villa is re-rented
Maids tip of $5 per person per day is collected in advance
No Local 'Entertainers' are allowed in the villa

Informations importantes

À savoir absolument

Cet hébergement est géré par un hôte privé (une partie n’agissant pas dans le cadre de son commerce, son entreprise ou sa profession). La législation européenne relative aux droits des consommateurs ne s’appliquera pas à votre réservation, y compris le droit de rétractation. Toutefois, la politique d’annulation définie par l’hôte privé couvrira votre réservation. Les articles 1100 à 1386-1 du Code civil français s’appliqueront.
Des frais pour toute personne supplémentaire peuvent être facturés et dépendent de la politique de l'hébergement
Une pièce d'identité officielle avec photo et un dépôt de garantie en espèces, par carte de crédit ou par carte de débit, peuvent être demandés à l'arrivée pour couvrir tous frais imprévus
Les demandes spéciales, qui ne peuvent pas être garanties, sont soumises à disponibilité à l'arrivée et peuvent entraîner des frais supplémentaires
Les fêtes et les événements de groupe sont autorisés sur place
Note du propriétaire : with prior approval
L'hôte n'a pas indiqué si l'hébergement était équipé d'un détecteur de monoxyde de carbone ; pensez à apporter un détecteur portable lors de votre séjour
L'hôte n'a pas indiqué si l'hébergement était équipé d'un détecteur de fumée
Cet hébergement comprend le dispositif de sécurité suivant : un verrou de sûreté

Nous devons aussi mentionner…

Une voiture n'est pas nécessaire pour accéder à l'hébergement et se déplacer pendant le séjour

À propos du quartier

Puerto Plata

Cette villa vous donne rendez-vous à Puerto Plata, plus précisément près de parcs de loisirs, près de la plage. Si l'emblématique Promenade Malecón de Puerto Plata figure parmi les incontournables, ne sous-estimez pas les sympathiques Plage de Cofresi et Playa Dorada, qui vous invitent à admirer la beauté naturelle des lieux. En voyage avec toute la tribu ? Envisagez de passer par les fantastiques Independence Park et Lorilar Ranch. Les points d'eau des environs sont le décor idéal pour vous adonner à de nouvelles activités telles que le jet-ski et le kayak tandis que les amoureux d'aventures en plein air pourront plutôt opter pour les excursions écologiques et la randonnée à pied ou à vélo.
Playa Cofresi, Puerto Plata

À proximité

  • Plage de Cofresi - 4 min à pied
  • Ocean World Adventure Park - 7 min à pied
  • Téléphérique de Puerto Plata - 6 min en voiture
  • Promenade Malecón de Puerto Plata - 7 min en voiture
  • Playa Costambar - 12 min en voiture

Comment se déplacer

  • Aéroport international Gregorio Luperon (POP) - 49 min en voiture


  • ‪Café El Cibao - ‬7 min en voiture
  • ‪The Villa Lounge - ‬12 min à pied
  • ‪Casablanca International Buffet Restaurant - ‬11 min à pied
  • ‪Sports Bar Senator Puerto Playa - ‬7 min en voiture
  • ‪Coco Caña Lounge - ‬7 min en voiture

Foire aux questions

L'hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée dispose-t-il d'une piscine ?

Oui, cet hébergement vous propose une piscine extérieure.

Les animaux domestiques sont-ils admis dans l'hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée ?

Oui, les animaux de compagnie sont admis au sein de l'hébergement.

Quelle est l'heure d'arrivée à l'hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée ?

Les arrivées sont prévues à partir de 13 h 00.

Quelle est l'heure de départ de l'hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée ?

Le départ a lieu à 11 h 00.

Où se situe l'hébergement Luxe abordable à 6 BR Villa de vacances des Caraïbes entièrement équipée ?

Cette villa à l'atmosphère familiale à Puerto Plata se situe face à la mer, à 3 km de distance de sites comme Plage de Cofresi, Playa Costambar et Playa Grande. Los Mangos Golf Course est à 2,6 km de distance.




Les avis sont présentés par ordre chronologique, ils sont également soumis à une procédure de contrôle et vérifiés sauf indication contraire.
En savoir plusS’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Note des voyageurs de 10 (Excellent), d’après 164 avis sur 172." "
Note des voyageurs de 8 (Bien), d’après 8 avis sur 172." "
Note des voyageurs de 6 (Satisfaisant), d’après 0 avis sur 172." "
Note des voyageurs de 4 (Médiocre), d’après 0 avis sur 172." "
Note des voyageurs de 2 (Horrible), d’après 0 avis sur 172." "










Exactitude de l’annonce


10/10 Excellent

William K.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Wonderful house, pool, and staff
We had a group of nine ranging from 9 years to being in our 50s. Everyone absolutely had a marvelous time. The house, pool, and services provided were top notch. Julio, Mercy, and Ingrid made us really feel at home. The cooking and pina coladas served in the pool really spoiled us. Such an amazing vacation!
Séjour de 7 nuits en août 2024

8/10 Bien

Phyllis A.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication et exactitude de l’annonce
Family Vacation
Julio Maci and Ingrid were the BEST!!! Our family of 10 spent the week in August. Unfortunately we caught a virus on our way over. However, Julio made extra trips for medicine and Maci and Ingrid altered the menu to accommodate all of our needs. The only reason we gave it a 4 star - the was the location - the beach was not usable and we were not able to go out at night. They did provide a security guard for safety.
Séjour de 7 nuits en août 2024

10/10 Excellent

Tracy W.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Spectacular DR vacation
Our recent stay at Del Vista Mar in the Dominican Republic/Puerto Plata was an unforgettable experience, all thanks to the exceptional hospitality and generosity of Mercy, Julio, Ingrid, and Pio. From the moment we arrived, we were warmly welcomed and made to feel like part of their family. Mercy and Ingrid’s attention to detail and genuine care for us as guests were evident throughout our stay. Mercy’s cooking is outstanding, and Ingrid made sure we were well attended to. Their friendly demeanor and willingness to go above and beyond ensured that our vacation was both relaxing and enjoyable. Julio was equally amazing, providing us with invaluable guidance and making sure we had everything we needed to make the most of our time in this beautiful destination. We went to bed every night knowing we were safe on Pio’s watch. Everyone at Del Vista Mar truly went out of their way to make our stay special. Whether it was recommending local attractions, organizing activities, or simply sharing stories and laughter, they made every moment memorable. Their warmth and generosity created a welcoming atmosphere that we will always cherish. The villa with spectacular views, was great with more than enough room for 8 adults and 1 child & close to everything that you're looking for in a DR vacation. This is a vacation we'll never forget!
Séjour de 7 nuits en juillet 2024

10/10 Excellent

Rikki H.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Family Vacation
Our family of 10 ranging from 14-76 stayed at the Villa in June. The house, pool and staff were amazing. The meals made for us were always delicious. My only complaint, which is not any fault of the Villa, is the beach access. It is a public beach and was not very clean the few days we went down there. Since we had our own private pool, we still had a lot of water fun. The whole vacation was a relaxing and nice getaway from real life.
Séjour de 6 nuits en juin 2024

10/10 Excellent

jerry e.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Excellent location amd staff.
The property was perfect amd the best thing about the stay was the staff. They were so friendly and helpful.
Séjour de 7 nuits en juin 2024

10/10 Excellent

Tracy O.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Everything was absolutely PERFECT!!
Séjour de 8 nuits en mai 2024

10/10 Excellent

Margaret S.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Wonderful experience
The property pictures are slightly outdated for the surrounding area. They have some new builds next door. The property was very clean and the views were absolutely PERFECT. The house is gorgeous with a lot of room for big groups. The best part of this home is the staff. They make you feel like family. Very friendly and helpful we think about them often. Mercy and her daughter made some delicious meals and kept my kids with frozen special drinks by the pool. The house always smelled so clean and fresh. Julio had pool toys ready and kept the pool cleaned. He also took us on a tour of the city and it was very enducational and made it very fun for us and our children. We took the golf cart to the local beach and ocean world. The community is very friendly overall such a great experience
Séjour de 5 nuits en mars 2024

10/10 Excellent

Michelle P.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
The Perfect Escape
Casa Del Mar was fabulous from the moment we booked with Cindy and John to the moment that Julio dropped us off at the airport at the end of our stay. We could not have asked for anything more. As a family of 13 with multiple generations, the house and the hospitality made everyone happy, and comfortable and not one single complaint was made from anyone all week!!! The villa itself is perfection - clean with a wonderful layout. Julio, Mercy and their wonderful family went above and beyond to accommodate all our wants and needs and even got me a birthday cake!! The walk to the beach is short but there is a hill and bumpy so it is not very stroller or elderly-conducive. We were able to borrow the golf cart however to take the oldest generation down and back up. I will also note that on Easter Sunday the beach is full of locals so if you are looking for quiet, just keep that in mind. Every other day, it was like a private beach. We booked a few excursions, all of which were good, but I'll be honest, next time, we will spend more time at the villa. This was a true gem that offers a serene haven away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Our family will definitely be back!
Séjour de 6 nuits en mars 2024

10/10 Excellent

Holt W.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
This place & stay exceeded all of our expectations! We came with our extended family, from grandparents to siblings to kids & infant, and it was perfect for us all. The staff were incredible & kind - they made the stay! The beach was beautiful and provided ample fun for the kids. The days were filled with swimming in the beach & pool, reading in hammocks and pool side, great meals al fresco, with pina coladas (virgins for the kids!) served just right. We booked massages right at the house for ultimate relaxation. From booking to ensuring easy airport pick up and drop off and meal planning, the hosts were incredible at communicating & responsiveness. Definitely will look to book again.
Séjour de 7 nuits en février 2024

10/10 Excellent

Cindi M., Springfield, mo

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
3 generations for a week
The home was amazing and the staff so helpful and pleasant. Every need was met and then some…from delicious meals, amazing pina coladas, to a clean house every day, our trip was great! The space was perfect for children of all ages and thee adults!
Séjour de 7 nuits en février 2024

10/10 Excellent

PJ S., Dunnville, Canada

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Relaxing, Pampered stay at beautiful property!
This property was lovely...even better than the pictures. The pool area is gorgeous with sun and shade opportunities for all during the day and the pool is a perfect temperature! Mercy, Ingrid and Julio took care of all of our needs (and those Pina Colada's were next level good!). The view and location a little ways up the hill from the beach was perfect to feel a little separated from the main road but still close. Cofresi beach is a nice little area and the two restaurants we dined at were was just a bit quiet at this time of year...we were one of 2 occupied tables both times. The beach is good for walking along...we are not beach people so didn't venture in the water...especially not with our perfect pool available. We had massage service come to the villa on 2 days (only $30 per massage and excellent!) and ventured out to the waterfall tour one day which was really affordable for all that you get...I would highly recommend. These activities were all seamlessly arranged by Gus on day one. My sister and I also played 3 rounds at the little nine hole golf course nearby which was a perfectly chill time. I am the one in charge of making the arrangements for this family vacation so I have to give a shout out to the villa owners who jumped through hoops to accommodate some last minute changes to our group size and even managed to get a refund for the fewer people. They were so responsive. Thanks for everything!
Séjour de 7 nuits en décembre 2023

10/10 Excellent

Maureen G., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Wonderful getaway!
3 couples wanted to celebrate our 25th & 26th anniversaries somewhere special so we picked vista del mar because there was a maid, chef and groundskeeper in a beautiful large home. The staff was wonderful and accommodating. The pool is inviting and beautiful. While not right on the beach it’s a short 5 minutes walk to one. Our 10 day vacation will always be full of special memories!
Séjour de 10 nuits en novembre 2023

10/10 Excellent

Diana Z.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Great Place to Stay
We had an amazing time! The house is beautiful and the pool was the perfect place to relax. The best part was waking up to the view of the sunrise! The staff was wonderful and the food was amazing. It was great to just sit back and relax while the food and drinks were being prepped for us. Cindy and John are very thorough and provide you with all the information you will need for your stay. 10/10 we would definitely book again!
Séjour de 10 nuits en juillet 2023

10/10 Excellent

Mayra D.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Fantastic family vacation
The best vacation our family has ever had. Mercy one of the best cooks ever assisted by her lovely daughter Julio a very kind and peaceful man, always willing to serve . Pío the security guy a very nice person as well . I was very pleased with the service. Thank you
Séjour de 7 nuits en juin 2023

10/10 Excellent

Karissa H.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Just a perfect place to relax
This is such a wonderful place to stay. The pictures really don't do it justice. Julio and Mercy took great care of us, Cindy the owner was super accessible, and everything was just perfect. The bed was comfortable, all of the outdoor furniture was great. The indoor furniture looked great, but we really only went inside to sleep for the whole week. If you want a relaxing vacation, do yourself a favor and book this gem.
Séjour de 7 nuits en mai 2023

10/10 Excellent

Phil and Paula S., Eagan, MN, USA

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Amazing property and staff
Our family of 17 stayed at Vista Del Mar to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. The home is as beautiful as the photos with plenty of room for us to be around the pool, on the porch and in the house. The bedrooms and bathrooms were plenty for our family and the upstairs master bedrooms had beautiful balconies. The staff of Mercy, Julio and their daughters were wonderful. They made us feel pampered with delicious meals served, keeping the house perfect and helping in whatever way we asked. Julio ran errands, and helped us arrange transportation. Gus came and helped us plan outings and Gabino made sure we were oriented to the home and they all made us feel so welcome. We planned a few outings, snorkeling, the waterfall trip and the city tour, all of which were so fun. Julio helped 4 of our guys arrange a golf outing and provided the transportation. When we thought it would be fun to have some meringue dance lessons, Gabino arranged that for us, too. Some of our group requested massages and that also was easily arranged right at the house. The beach is a 5 minute walk - a good place for swimming and jumping in the waves, but nor so much for lying on the sand - quite commercial. But that didn't matter as we had such a beautiful place to enjoy water and the sunshine. We highly recommend Vista del Mar. Cindy and John were so available for questions prior to our trip and we are grateful to them for sharing their beautiful home with others. Outstanding, all around.
Séjour de 7 nuits en avril 2023

10/10 Excellent

Elizabeth M.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Best vacation ever
My siblings and I have been on four or five group vacations together in the last five years and we agreed this was the most relaxing, carefree, enjoyable vacation we've ever had. First of all, Julio, Mercy, and Ingrid were fabulous- super attentive but never invasive. They clearly take great pride in the house and their work and everything is kept sparkling clean, including the pool and the vans and taxis. Gus and Gabino were wonderful and made sure everything was so easy to book and travel. We had to cancel one expedition and Julio called Gus for us who came the next day and refunded us. Mercy and Ingrid's cooking and drinks were incredible. We went out to eat once early on and never really wanted to again because Mercy could make it better. Julio was so careful with our budget when shopping for us and handled everything so we didn't have to, including transportation. Everything we asked for was no problema. We had Raquel and her employees come out for massages, manicures, and pedicures several times and they were wonderful. Also, Wifi all over the house was great. A few things to note: we paid cash for all of the excursions, so make sure you bring enough. We paid in USD so we didn't really need to get a lot of Dominican pesos. We came in early February and the weather was absolutely perfect. It didn't get hot until the last day we left. We brought board games and puzzles but they do have some there. We always offered dinner to the employees. It really was amazing.
Séjour de 10 nuits en février 2023

10/10 Excellent

Lynn G.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Excellent choice
The house was even better than we imagined. Everything worked out perfectly from Julio picking us up at the airport. Mercy and Ingrid keep the house immaculate and looked after us to the tiniest detail. The beds were very comfortable and the food was delicious, as were the Pina Coladas served by Ingrid around the pool. Communication with the owners proved to be very easy. Our 2 year old granddaughter had a wonderful time. Five minute walk to the beach. Definitely recommend this villa and we will hopefully return.
Séjour de 7 nuits en février 2023

10/10 Excellent

Amy W.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
wonderful week away
Staff was attentive polite and friendly. Mercy's cooking was delicious (yum~ those bfast sandwiches and guac!!) The house was clean and well maintained. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute on the patio and poolside. Sunrise was beautiful everyday.
Séjour de 5 nuits en décembre 2022

10/10 Excellent

Erin B., Beverly, MA

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Wonderful family vacation!
My husband, my 3 kids and I all throughly enjoyed our vacation! The property was just as described and the location was fantastic. My kids loved swimming in the pool and hanging out at the beach right down the street. We also loved everything Mercy cooked, the food was all delicious. It was such a nice break to relax and not worry about anything. Julio, Mercy, and Ingrid were so friendly and helpful. As soon as we arrived Julio blew up some pool floats and toys for the kids and they were thrilled. The area is wonderful too, there is a lot to do. We did go to Ocean World one day which was fun, we walked there as it’s right down the street. We also did the waterfall trip which was also fun and a nice chance to see the mountains and more of the country. When you go down to the beach or go for a walk everyone is very friendly and we felt very safe. There were a lot of little things the owners thought of like books, games, pool toys, Wi-Fi, blue tooth speaker that were also appreciated. Lastly the owners gave a lot of great info ahead of the trip so we knew what to expect and what there was to do in the area. I definitely recommend this property. We can’t wait to go back again in the future.
Séjour de 7 nuits en novembre 2022

10/10 Excellent

Joseph L.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Excellent Experience
This was an amazing experience for me and my fellow travelers. The accommodations were extremely comfortable and clean. The staff was excellent. Julio is a gracious and diligent worker.who gives his best in everything he did for us. Anywhere we went people knew him and spoke highly of him, he continuously demonstrated high moral values and character. He managed the property and our needs to perfection. His wife and daughter gave exceptional performances cooking Dominican cuisine to perfection. These ladies also ensured that the residence was immaculately cleaned at all times. Our whole party of 4 wished that we could stay longer. Thank you for the wonderful memories we have and we hope to have an opportunity to return at a later date.
Séjour de 5 nuits en octobre 2022

10/10 Excellent

Andrew M.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
If you are second guessing on booking this Villa DO NOT! we had an amazing time and cannot wait to return! The staff on property were great. Pictures didn’t do the property justice! We loved everything about our stay!
Séjour de 6 nuits en septembre 2022

10/10 Excellent

Elizabeth J.

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Amazing home and food....
First off, what made the entire2 weeks were Mercy, Ingrid, and Julio. They took care of us as if we were their own family. We already miss them terribly. My only complaint is the air conditioning. There is only air conditioning in the bedrooms and it was very hot. Due to this, we missed a place to all gather, play games and watch a movie. The common areas were very hot. Besides this, we loved every second.
Séjour de 14 nuits en juillet 2022

10/10 Excellent

Jennifer N., Maryland

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Great House
We had a great time here. The house was great and was just as the listing says. The only disappointment was the beach. We planned to spend more time down there since it’s an easy walk, but it’s full of trash.
Séjour de 7 nuits en juin 2022

10/10 Excellent

Crystal H., Minneapolis, MN

Les points forts : Propreté, arrivée, communication, emplacement et exactitude de l’annonce
Beautiful home, incredible staff, perfect adult vacation!
A group of 11 adult friends enjoyed this amazing home for a week in June. It is even better than described in the listing. Exceptionally clean and well maintained. The staff is 5 stars+++. When I polled the group for feedback for the review, these are the responses I got: "Great Staff!", "Authentic experience", "Very clean house with an amazing pool/patio. Friendly and helpful staff that made you feel like family", "Attentive staff who prepare fresh-made meals. Beautifully maintained home, great for large groups." "Complete, full-service, no worries vacation experience of high quality". Mercy, Julio & Ingrid truly spoiled us for the week, and as a group of busy parents we were so grateful! They were accommodating to dietary needs, served us drinks around the pool every day, made trips to the store when we ran out of things, cleaned our rooms everyday, and the list goes on and on. Julio was always ready to help us when we had questions about the area or anything at all, really. Gus was fantastic at helping us book excursions that fit our desires well. Gambino was on-hand to help us rearrange shuttles when the airlines made our departure a bit of a mess. John & Cindy were very communicative and helpful leading up to the trip with every bit of info we needed to plan our time well. Our only tip for future travelers would be to bring enough cash to cover your excursions as well as anything else. We assumed we'd be able to charge the excursions. Not a big deal, though as the cash machine was just down the road. Overall, we can't say enough good about this place and this staff. We all said we'd love to come back again. I really hope we get the chance. Thank you all for an unforgettable vacation.
Séjour de 7 nuits en juin 2022

Qui vous reçoit ?

Vous êtes reçu par Cindy & John Charters

Image de profil de l’hôte
My husband and I are beach bums... we grew up vacationing at seaside beaches. I spent summers at the (New) Jersey shore and my husband at Cape Cod MA. Although we constantly debate over which is the better place in the States (NJ shore or Cape Cod), one thing we both agree on is that Playa Cofresi, Dominican Republic is always the most relaxing and most unique place to vacation. Whether we are looking for quiet time floating in the pool or dozing in the hammock; or getting involved in a competitive lawn games, looking to snorkel at local beaches, or want to venture off on exciting adventures in the countryside there are always plenty of options. Of course having an attentive maid serving non-stop drinks and food is a big plus!

Our 3 adult children ( plus grandchildren) have grown up at Cofresi and think of it as their 2nd home. They certainly benefited from the fun aspects-- the enjoyment of staff catering to their every need...but they also had the opportunity to live a different culture. They have learned to understand that there are many different ways to enjoy life despite economic status, and this education has been priceless.

In 2006, Donald Smith (Cindy's father) passed away and the property & rental management transferred to Cindy. In memory of Don's passion for his beloved Cofresi home, for his devotion to his Dominican family, and for his love of this colorful country we will continue to cultivate his dream. We hope you will stay at our beautiful family home so that you can share our enthusiasm for this wonderful vacation destination.

Pourquoi avoir choisi cet hébergement ?

Villa Vista del Mar at Playa Cofresi has been our family's second home since 1982. We first traveled to this secluded unspoiled area back in the days when there were few tourists, supermarkets did not exist in town, horse-drawn carts were a common sight, and cows wandered about on our dirt roads.

This all began when Lenore and Donald Smith, Cindy's parents, went on a business trip to the Dominican Republic in 1981 and visited the North Coast where they were told they would find some of the Caribbean's prettiest beaches. They became enchanted with Playa Cofresi and on the 'spur of the moment' decided to buy property.

The original house was built in 1982 when there were just a handful of homes in this pastoral ocean-side community. When they retired in 1995, they spent more time in Cofesi made major additions and improvements to the villa to provide more spacious accommodations for their extended family.

The property continues to grow and change with the needs of our family and guests.

Quels sont les atouts de cet hébergement ?

If you are looking for a relaxing, comfortable and affordable vacation... maybe something slightly off the beaten path you have come to right place. Villa Vista del Mar was built for comfort, fun and safety; and with expansive yards on all sides you will not feel the intrusion of neighboring homes.

We have been in the hospitality business for over 30 years and have tried to think of everything to make your vacation run as smoothly and as carefree as possible. Our experienced extensive full time staff will pamper you to no end, but will also retreat to their quarters to allow you to have privacy. The maids will attend to all cooking, serving, cleaning and laundry starting in the morning with made-to-order breakfast and freshly squeezed orange juice. Throughout the day they will 'twist your arm' asking you if you'd like another pina colada while you are floating in the pool. Your most difficult decisions will be to decide what to eat and when to eat... The pampering does not end until they leave for the day... Or until your vacation ends

Our full time houseman is available for airport transfer service, to run errands, to go food shopping and more. We have a manager available 24/ 7 for those “just in case” scenarios, and a local tour operator who will come to the house to help you with the multitude of activities, tours and adventures. You will be well taken care of by the many people who have become our 2nd family. There is a detailed Villa Orientation Book, Suggested Meal Planning Guide, Local Restaurant recommendations, Descriptions of Tours & Activities and more.

When you arrive at the villa all you have to do is unpack and relax. Slow down. Go with the flow. Listen to the waves and songbirds. Admire the panoramic ocean and mountain views. Life is different, more relaxed. You will become quickly acclimated to the phrase 'no problema'. Hopefully you will enjoy every moment at your own private Caribbean home away from home.

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